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Yellow Rattler
| Drink Master
Cooking receipe to make Yellow Rattler under category Drink Master. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below. 1 oz Gin 1 tbsp Orange Juice 1/2 oz Dry Vermouth 1/2 oz Sweet VermouthShake with ice and strain into cocktail glass. Add
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| Drink Master
Cooking receipe to make Polonaise under category Drink Master. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below. 1 1/2 oz Brandy 1 tbsp Blackberry-flavored Brandy 1/2 oz Dry Sherry 1 dash Lemon JuiceShake with ice and strain into old-fashioned
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Tortilla Beef Bake Recipe
| Casserole
Type: Tortilla Beef Bake Free Cooking Recipe - Casserole Um! Yummy! Ingredients / Directions 1 1/2 pounds ground beef1 can condensed cream of chicken soupundiluted2 1/2 cup(s)s crushed tortilla chipsdivided1 (16 ounce) jar salsa1 1/2 cup(s)s (6 ounces) shredded Cheddar cheese In a ski
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Foil-Pack Mushrooms Recipe
| Barbecue
Type: Foil-Pack Mushrooms Free Cooking Recipe - Barbecue It's ok! Ingredients / Directions 24 fresh crimini mushroomsstems removed 4 green onionschopped 2 tablespoons pine nuts 1/4 cup(s) olive oil salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste Preheat the grill for high heat. Lightly
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4 eggs
3 tablespoons dashi stock
2 teaspoons sugar
2 teaspoons soy sauce
1/4 cup green onion, chopped
1/4 cup canola oil, for cooking
1Beat eggs in a bowl.
2Add soy sauce, sugar, dashi, and green onion in the bowl and mix well.
3Heat little bit of vegetable oil in a square omelette pan on mid heat.
4Pour a scoop of egg mixture in the pan and spread over the surface.
5Roll the egg and move it the end of the top side.
6Oil the empty part of the pan and pour more egg mixture in the space and under the rolled egg.
7Cook it until half done and roll the egg again so that the omelette becomes thicker.
8Repeat this process until the egg mixture is gone.
9When omelette is done, remove it from the pan and put on a bamboo mat.
10Using the mat, shape the omelette. Cut into 1-inch pieces.
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