Dengaku Japanese cooking recipe

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Irish Dream

| Drink Master

Cooking receipe to make Irish Dream under category Drink Master. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below. 1/2 oz Hazelnut Liqueur 1/2 oz Irish Cream Liqueur 3/4 oz Creme de Cacao (brown) 4 oz Vanilla Ice CreamBlend ingredients wit

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Fresh Cherryade Recipe

| Drinks

Type: Fresh Cherryade Free Cooking Recipe - Drinks It's ok! Ingredients / Directions 2 1/2 cup(s)s fresh cherries1/4 cup(s) sugar1 sprig fresh tarragonjuice of 2 limes2 cup(s)s soda waterice and lime twiststo serve Place to cherriessugar and tarragon in a small pan with 1 1/2 cup(s)s

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Beef A La Mode Recipe

| Salad

Type: Beef A La Mode Free Cooking Recipe - Salad This is a good one! Ingredients / Directions 4 lbs round beef2 carrots1 turnip? onion2 pieces celery1 cup(s) vinegar2 tomatoes or? cup(s) juice? pod garlic1 teaspoon salt? pod red pepper2 tablespoons brown flourWipe beef with fat and sa

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Tag : Quick

Apple & Grape Salad Recipe

| Salad

Type: Apple & Grape Salad Free Cooking Recipe - Salad You got to try this! Ingredients / Directions "2 c Apples; cubed 1 c Grapes; halved 1/2 c Celery; chopped 1/4 c Walnuts; chopped 1 ts Lemon juice 1/3 c Sour cream 1/3 c Plain yogurt" " Directions: In large bo

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400 g firm tofu
3 tablespoons miso
60 ml rice wine
1 tablespoon sugar

1Take tofu wrap it in paper towel, place in microwave for 1 minute. This will help pull the water out of it. Remove paper towel, pat down tofu with paper towel then cut it into domino sized pieces. In a sauce pan heat oil then add tofu cook until it browns then turn it and cook again until that side browns. Remove Tofu, place on paper towel to drain excess oil. In same sauce pan heat up the Rice Wine mix in sugar until it dissolves. Mix in Miso paste, turn off range/stove top and keep mixing until well blended. If it’s still lumpy, no worries. Once it’s mixed turn on range again add tofu and cook on high for 1 minute or so. Plate the tofu, then drizzle sauce over it.

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