potato watercress and blue cheese salad
| General Recipes
Cooking receipe to make potato watercress and blue cheese salad under category General Recipes. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below.potato watercress and blue cheese salad2 pounds unpeeled small red potatoesdressing: 1/4 cup watercress leaves1/4 cup white wine vinegar 2 table
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Gin Thing
| Drink Master
Cooking receipe to make Gin Thing under category Drink Master. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below. 1 1/2 oz Gin Juice of 1/2 Lime Ginge alePour gin and lime juice into highball glass over ice cubes and fill with ginger ale. [tubepress mode='tag', tagV
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Steamed Cod Fish With Black Bean Sauce
| Cyber Kuali
Cooking receipe to make Steamed Cod Fish With Black Bean Sauce under category Cyber Kuali. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below.Steamed Cod Fish With Black Bean SauceBy Marjorie Chiew (courtesty of The Museum Chinese Restaurant, Legend Hotel Kuala Lumpur)
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Simply Divine Casserole Recipe
| Casserole
Type: Simply Divine Casserole Free Cooking Recipe - Casserole It's ok! Ingredients / Directions 1 (8 ounce) package medium egg noodles2 pounds ground beef1 (15 1/2 ounce) jar Ragu plain spaghetti sauce1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauceSalt and pepper to taste1
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1 1/4 cups Hellmann’s mayonnaise
1/4 cup water
1 teaspoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon melted butter
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1 dash cayenne pepper
1Whisk all ingredients together to make a creamy sauce.
2Let it sit overnight in the fridge so the flavors will blend.
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