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macaroni cheese
| General Recipes
Cooking receipe to make macaroni cheese under category General Recipes. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below.macaroni cheese84g macaroni28g margarine28g plain flour250ml milk140g grated cheesepinch of nutmeg1/2tspdry mustardpinch of cayenne peppersalt and black pepperMethod1 P
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Sweet Cinnamon Biscuits Recipe
| Bread
Type: Sweet Cinnamon Biscuits Free Cooking Recipe - Bread Um! Yummy! Ingredients / Directions 2 cup(s)s sifted all-purpose flour1 tablespoon baking powder1 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon baking soda1/4 cup(s) vegetable oil3/4 cup(s) buttermilk1/2 cup(s) (1 stick) unsalted buttersoftened3/4
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Strawberry Sunrise
| Drink Master
Cooking receipe to make Strawberry Sunrise under category Drink Master. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below. 2 oz Strawberry Schnapps 1/2 oz Grenadine Orange JuicePour over ice in highball glass. Fill with orange juice. Garnish with a fresh st
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Banana Chocolate Cake Recipe
| Modified Diet
Type: Banana Chocolate Cake Free Cooking Recipe - Modified Diet Yes! Ingredients / Directions 2 1/4 cup(s)s cake flour1 teaspoon baking powder1 teaspoon baking soda1 teaspoon salt1/2 cup(s) granulated sugar substituteor 8 packets or 1/2 cup(s) sugar2/3 cup(s) low fat margarinesoftened
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6 tamarind pods
3 cups water
2 tablespoons sugar
1Shell the tamarind pods and remove the seeds from the pulp.
2Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, add the pulp, and simmer until the liquid is reduced to 1 cup.
3Add the sugar, stir to dissolve, and simmer for an additional 5 minutes.
4Strain the sauce through a piece of cheesecloth or muslin and squeeze out as much liquid as possible from the pulp.
5Tamarind sauce will keep for about a month when stored covered in the fridge.
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