Deep-Fried Duck With Shrimp Paste
| Cyber Kuali
Cooking receipe to make Deep-Fried Duck With Shrimp Paste under category Cyber Kuali. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below.Deep-Fried Duck With Shrimp Paste Ingredients
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Christmas Pretzels
| Chocolate Swap
Cooking receipe to make Christmas Pretzels under category Chocolate Swap. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below.Christmas Pretzels1 pkg. small pretzels (not sticks)Chocolate candy kissesM & M candies (red and green)Heat oven to 200
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linguine with mussels and white wine
| General Recipes
Cooking receipe to make linguine with mussels and white wine under category General Recipes. You may find some video clips related to this receipe below.linguine with mussels and white wineLinguine con cozze al sugo biancoitalianriver cafe cook book3 kg mussels1/3 bottle white wine4 tablespoons oliv
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Pork Cardinale Style Recipe
| Main Meals
Type: Pork Cardinale Style Free Cooking Recipe - Main Meals Wow! Ingredients / Directions 9 oz apricots,dried 2 tbsp brandy 1 ds thyme 1 ds garlicpowder 2 tbsp Oil 18 oz porkfilets 1 1/2 oz butter 6 oz heavy cream 2 rice cooking bags,instant Salt and black pepper to taste the day bef
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5 eggs
6-8 ounces soba noodles
3 (14 1/2 ounce) cans chicken broth
1 bunch green onion, sliced
2 tablespoons dry sherry
1 teaspoon sugar
1/3 cup soy sauce
1 teaspoon jarred chopped gingerroot
1Cook soba noodles according to package directions, drain and rinse with cold water.
2Bring chicken broth, dry sherry, sugar, soy sauce, ginger and about 3/4 of the green onions to a boil. Simmer while the egg is cooking.
3Beat eggs in small bowl with a dash of soy sauce. Cook egg pancake in a covered omlette pan sprayed with Pam. Cut into slices.
4Arrange some noodles and egg slices in an individual serving bowl and garnish with some of the remaining green onions. Cover with broth. Sprinkle hot pepper flakes on if desired.
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